California corps opens second year
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted April 5, 2004
The California Physician Corps is preparing for its second year of applicants. In 2003, 32 doctors were funded through the corps for a total of $3 million. This year $1 million has been raised for the program to date, with more funding anticipated.
The program grants physicians willing to work three years in medically underserved areas up to $105,000 to pay off medical school debt. The money is in addition to the salary paid by their employers. Primary care physicians are favored, though up to 20% of participants may come from specialties.
This year the list of eligible practice settings has been expanded to include not only those in federally designated health professionals shortage areas, but also federally qualified health center look-alikes, community health centers, migrant health centers and public housing centers.
The deadline for applicants is April 9. For applications call the Medical Board of California or visit the California Physician Corps Web site (link).
Note: This item originally appeared at