20 years without liability coverage
LETTER — Posted April 26, 2004
Regarding "Physicians weigh odds of going bare" (Article, April 5): I have been "bare" for 20 years. I charge $20 for an office visit. Don't take insurance, Medi-Cal or checks.
No appointments -- walk in and be seen. I see up to a 100 patients a day.
Now I am on the fourth generation of families in my truly family practice. Babies I delivered are having their babies. I think honesty and longevity are the best malpractice prevention techniques.
When you know that you will be seeing a patient all of your life, you must do your best.
The one time a lawyer probed and found out I don't carry malpractice, I never heard from him again.
Good luck to Dr. Mark Macumber, featured in your article.
Ronald A. Grant, MD, Los Angeles
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2004/04/26/edlt0426.htm.