Tax credit plan not right for many
LETTER — Posted July 12, 2004
Your editorial on tax credits sounds nice but will actually solve few problems (Editorial, June 14). How will that help the legions whose insurance does not cover pregnancy? How will that help people in my office who will not tolerate another payroll deduction? How will that help the unemployed? How will that stop "medical underwriting," whose sole purpose is to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions?
Tax credits and high deductible insurance plans are, at best, a rich man's solution. America and American business need some form of universal health insurance that is not linked to anyone's tenuous employment.
Martha J. Brewer, MD, Metairie, La.
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2004/07/12/edlt0712.htm.