Arizona doctor named Indian Physician of Year
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted Sept. 13, 2004
The Assn. of American Indian Physicians has named Yvette D. Roubideaux, MD, MPH, as this year's "Indian Physician of the Year."
Dr. Roubideaux is an assistant professor at the Mel & Enid Zuckerman Arizona College of Public Health and at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She received the award at AAIP's 33rd annual meeting in Tulsa.
Dr. Roubideaux has been an active member of AAIP since 1989, when she earned her medical degree from Harvard Medical School. After earning her master's degree in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health and completing the Commonwealth Fund/Harvard University Fellowship in Minority Health Policy in 1997, Dr. Roubideaux joined AAIP's executive board, serving as president in 1999-2000.
Her work at the University of Arizona College of Medicine involves teaching, research and program development on diabetes in American Indians and Indian health policy. She is director of the school's Indians Into Medicine Program, a partnership with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona Inc. that works to recruit and retain American Indian students into health professions.
"I am honored to receive the Indian Physician of the Year Award from AAIP because this organization was an important source of support and inspiration for me as a student, and is now an important resource and network of support for me in my current career activities," she said in a statement. "I hope to continue to support the activities of AAIP in the future."
Note: This item originally appeared at