5.5 million health care workers needed
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted Sept. 27, 2004
Employment in the health care work force is expected to grow faster than the nonhealth sector, according to a report from the University at Albany's Center for Health Workforce Studies at the School of Public Health. Between 2002 and 2012, the health sector is predicted to expand 30% compared with 13.5% for the nonhealth sector.
The report, "Health Care Employment Projections: An Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Projections, 2002-2012," projects that 3.3 million health workers will be needed to fill new positions in addition to the 2 million who will be needed to replace individuals who leave their positions.
"Increased demand for health services and health workers is clearly related to the 'graying' of the U.S. population," said center director Jean Moore. "The United States is experiencing a dramatic growth in its elderly population. .... This will fuel growing demand for health care services."
Note: This item originally appeared at