Patient safety advocate named to JCAHO board
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted Dec. 27, 2004
Ilene Corina, who counsels survivors of medical errors, has been appointed as one of the six public members on the 29-person Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations board of directors.
Corina, whose 3-year-old son died after a tonsillectomy, is a co-founder of Persons United Limiting Substandards and Errors in health care (PULSE) and helped initiate Patient Safety Awareness Week. She also serves on the National Patient Safety Foundation board.
Her term begins Jan. 1, 2005, but Corina said she won't be sure about how well her goals and ideas will mesh with the rest of the board until she completes an orientation session in February.
"I suspect I will know then if I am completely out of line on my ideas or if they will be welcome at the table," Corina said. "Until then, I am just studying their Web site and doing a lot of observing and hoping that I will be in a position to actually make a huge difference."
Note: This item originally appeared at