Bullying can happen in med school, too
LETTER — Posted May 16, 2005
Regarding "Bully case verdict a warning to doctors" (Article, April 18): During my first semester of medical school in 1983, I was subjected to verbal and physical aggression by a handful of classmates who pressured me to drink alcohol, attend various social events and wear the clothes that they deemed fashionable. They even attempted to dictate where I sat in the lecture hall and how I took notes in class.
When I attempted to defend myself against these inappropriate actions, talk about these experiences with other classmates or seek guidance from the school administration, my concerns were minimized or ignored.
Perhaps AMNews should do a follow-up article about bullying among medical students.
Brian J. Bohlmann, MD, PhD, Madison, Wis.
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2005/05/16/edlt0516.htm.