Dr. Nelson named to Medicaid panel
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted July 25, 2005
American Medical Association Immediate Past-President John C. Nelson, MD, MPH, in July was named to a federal commission tasked with reforming the Medicaid system.
The panel, which Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt selected, will advise the department on ways to stabilize the health program for low-income and disabled people. Under the chairmanship of former Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist, members will draft a report by Sept. 1 with recommendations on how to reduce Medicaid spending by $10 billion over the next five years.
Dr. Nelson will advise the commission but will not be able to vote on its final recommendations. The AMA also nominated Carol Berkowitz, MD, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, for the group. She will serve as a nonvoting member as well.
Note: This item originally appeared at