Physicians should stick to providing information and let patients decide moral matters for themselves
LETTER — Posted May 1, 2006
Regarding "A physician shouldn't have to provide option viewed as morally wrong" (Letters, April 3): The answer to the question ["If one works under the construct that abortion is morally wrong and should be illegal, why in the world would you then want to or have to tell patients that it is an option?"] raised by letter writer Steven Mull, MD, of Rockford, Ill., is simple: It is not up to a physician to decide what is morally right or wrong for their patients. We provide information and allow them to make their own decisions.
My question would be: Is it morally right to withhold treatment from all the patients who do things we don't agree with or find morally lacking?
Stephen Greaney, MD, Vancouver, Wash.
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2006/05/01/edlt0501.htm.