Medicare not rewarding physicians for keeping the service growth rate down
LETTER — Posted Nov. 20, 2006
Regarding "Physician service growth rate slows, easing Medicare premium increase" (Article, Oct. 9): The physician service growth rate was less than expected. Instead of rewarding physicians for this success, Medicare beneficiaries receive the largesse -- they will pay a lower premium than previously estimated. Once again, doctors get the short shrift. In 2007, hospitals, HMOs and skilled nursing facilities will receive payment increases; only physicians receive a cut in reimbursement. When we will be rewarded fairly? Why are we always asked to swallow the bitter pill?
Alan C. Weinberg, MD, Fullerton, Calif.
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2006/11/20/edlt1120.htm.