Ohio is latest state to take tough stance on physician sex offenses
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted Dec. 18, 2006
The State Medical Board of Ohio approved new rules that define physician sexual misconduct as behavior that exploits the physician-patient relationship in a sexual way. The rules, which took effect Nov. 30, prohibit soliciting a date or romantic relationship, making sexual comments about a patient's body, criticizing a patient's sexual orientation, neglecting to respect privacy when a patient undresses, examining genitals without gloves, kissing in a romantic or sexual manner, and performing an intimate exam without clinical justification. The board approved the rules Nov. 9.
All states address sexual misconduct by doctors through laws or medical board policies. Ohio's rules are in line with a more stringent sexual boundaries policy that the Federation of State Medical Boards passed in April 2006 for state boards to use as guidance .
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