HHS certifies Indian Health Service EMR for meaningful use
NEWS IN BRIEF — Posted May 9, 2011
The Indian Health Service's electronic medical record system has been certified for meaningful use -- making it the first federal system to meet requirements under the Dept. of Health and Human Services' EMR incentive program.
The IHS Resource and Patient Management System is used for 2 million American Indians and Alaska Natives at 280 facilities in 35 states. Hospitals and health professionals in the system now will be eligible for EMR bonuses authorized by the 2009 economic stimulus law.
"Our certified electronic health record will help us provide quality health care delivery to patients in the Indian health system," said IHS Director Yvette Roubideaux, MD, MPH. "The monetary incentives made available by this certification will also benefit IHS, tribal and urban Indian health facilities."
Note: This item originally appeared at