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All in all, is the go-to site, with timely, authoritative news and a rich storehouse of content of enduring value.

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Published since 1958, American Medical News continues to present useful news and information with a special focus on physicians in a changing health care delivery system, presented in an engaging way.

American Medical News is one of the most widely read publications in the United States on news affecting the medical profession. Its large circulation cuts across geographic regions, practice settings and medical specialties. Simply no other news source covers the same range of topics.

The newspaper presents concise but detailed information not provided by the lay press, and a socioeconomic, practice-oriented slant not found in clinical journals. Its reporting, writing and design have won many prestigious newspaper industry awards.

American Medical News' must-have coverage, reader-friendly navigation and unbeatable tabloid format "billboard" your advertising as nothing else can. It's the placement that gets your campaign noticed.

Other general medical publications compete for doctors’ time, but none gets the job done like American Medical News.

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Confronting bias against obese patients

Medical educators are starting to raise awareness about how weight-related stigma can impair patient-physician communication and the treatment of obesity. Read story

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American Medical News is ceasing publication after 55 years of serving physicians by keeping them informed of their rapidly changing profession. Read story

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Policing medical practice employees after work

Doctors can try to regulate staff actions outside the office, but they must watch what they try to stamp out and how they do it. Read story

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Diabetes prevention: Set on a course for lifestyle change

The YMCA's evidence-based program is helping prediabetic patients eat right, get active and lose weight. Read story

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Medicaid's muddled preventive care picture

The health system reform law promises no-cost coverage of a lengthy list of screenings and other prevention services, but some beneficiaries still might miss out. Read story

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How to get tax breaks for your medical practice

Federal, state and local governments offer doctors incentives because practices are recognized as economic engines. But physicians must know how and where to find them. Read story

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Advance pay ACOs: A down payment on Medicare's future

Accountable care organizations that pay doctors up-front bring practice improvements, but it's unclear yet if program actuaries will see a return on investment. Read story

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Physician liability: Your team, your legal risk

When health care team members drop the ball, it's often doctors who end up in court. How can physicians improve such care and avoid risks? Read story

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