Letters to the Editor
This page is only for letters intended for publication. For other types of inquiries, use the handy links under other feedback. For more information about sending letters to the editor, see our "instructions for letter writers."
Use this link if you would like to write a letter for publicaton.
Instructions for letter writers
American Medical News welcomes letters to the editor. You can submit your letter by clicking on the link above. Letters for publication should be less than 300 words. All letters are subject to editing for length and clarity.
If you are writing in response to a particular article, please mention the headline and issue date in your letter.
While we do not publish postal addresses, e-mail addresses or telephone numbers, we do verify authorship, as well as try to clear up ambiguities, to protect our letter-writers. This information to help us contact you should the need arise. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted by the system.
Other feedback
If you have a comment or inquiry that is not for publication, try one of these links:
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