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Readers often ask for additional information on stories. Here are some of the sources our staff use to obtain and update information. You might find them useful as well. These listings do not imply endorsement of these sites or the information they provide; American Medical News and the American Medical Association are not responsible for content on external sites.
Health news
CNN health news - updated throughout the day
Reuters Health - medical news, health industry briefing and consumer-oriented Health eLine
HealthLeaders news section - business information for health care executives and professionals
Healthscout news - condition-oriented health news
American Health Line - daily and weekly news briefings on health care policy and politics
Assn. of Health Care Journalists - nonprofit organization working to improve the quality, accuracy and visibility of health care reporting, writing and editing
Managed Care magazine - health insurance issues for managed care executives and physicians
Harris Interactive Health Care Newsletters - policy issues and topics important to the health care industry and consumers
Healthcare Intelligence Network - headline news from leading publications on the industry, hospital and health system management, health law and regulation, behavioral health and long-term care
CORHealth - Medicine on the Net newsletter, TrendWatch and other tools from the publishers of Healthcare Guide to the Internet
KPMG Insiders - newsletters on health care and pharmaceuticals
Kaisernetwork - health news from the Kaiser Family Foundation
Business news and trends
CNNMoney - news from CNN and Money magazine
Yahoo Finance - reference and research tools Health Care - local business news
HealthLeaders - daily email newsletters on key health news topics
PR Newswire - breaking news from organizations worldwide
PR Newswire media resources - health beat (registration required)
Businesswire - breaking news from major companies
Hoover’s Online - company, industry and market news - news, data and strategic information on the business of health care from Atlantic Information Services Inc.
AIS managed care - newsletters, business tools and statistical publications
The Polling Report - national trends in American public opinion
Gallup organization - news and highlights in public opinion
Weiss Ratings Inc. - independent financial ratings service
Health industry
MGMA - Medical Group Management Assn., the primary medical group practice trade organization
National Business Group on Health - national group of large employers focusing on health issues
Map of Insurance Regulators - from the National Assn. of Insurance Commissioners
Pacific Business Group on Health - nonprofit business coalition of purchasers concerned with issues of health access, quality and cost
National Business Coalition on Health - coalition of nearly 90 employer-led coalitions across the United States, representing more than 7,000 employers committed to community health reform
VHA - nationwide cooperative network of community-owned health care systems
The Leapfrog Group - coalition of public and private organizations that provide health care benefits, focused on health safety
AHIP - America’s Health Insurance Plans (formerly Health Insurance Assn. of America)
The Coker Group - nationwide health care consultants
American Health Lawyers Assn. - news, analysis and Health Lawyers Weekly
PhRMA - the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, representing major research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
InterStudy HMO data - trends in services, enrollment and profitability from the managed care research group
JustCoding - forum on health coding and classification systems, from health consultants HP3 - American College of Healthcare Executives
Health policy - HIPAA resource site, from IT consultants Phoenix Health Systems - state health care policy news
National Center for Policy Analysis - nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization
AcademyHealth - health services research and policy forum
MedPAC - Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, a congressional advisory arm
President’s Council on Bioethics - advisers on bioethical science and technology
Alliance for Health Reform - nonpartisan group co-chaired by Sens. Jay Rockefeller and Bill Frist, MD
CAQH - Coalition for Affordable Quality Healthcare, a nonprofit alliance of major health plans and networks
Citizen’s Council on Health Care - public advocacy group
The Commonwealth Fund - private foundation that supports independent research on health and social issues
Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research - advocates for breakthrough research in regenerative medicine
National Conference of State Legislatures - bipartisan organization serving the state legislators and staffs
State health facts - from the Kaiser Family Foundation
National Academy for State Health Policy - nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to help states with health policy and programs
AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Wye River Group on Healthcare - informal policy group for market-driven health system change
SimpleCare - "pay as you go" health plan by the American Assn. of Patients and Providers
Center for Studying Health System Change - nonpartisan policy research organization led by Paul B. Ginsburg, PhD
AMA resources
Adolescent Health - AMA programs
Advocacy - what the AMA is doing for physicians
AMA Wire - a weekly electronic newsletter that offers practical and actionable information
CEJA - Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs
Council on Science and Public Health - information and recommendations on medical, scientific and public health issues
Code of Medical Ethics - Principles, Opinions & Reports
Family Medical History - How to gather a complete and accurate family medical history
Health System Reform site - a minisite with news and resources
HIPAA - background and compliance resources
JAMA Career Center - a resource for the physician job seeker, with career opportunities, news and information
Patient Safety - programs and resources for physicians and patients
PCPI - Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
Practice Management Center - helpful tips and tools for physicians and their staffs
Private Sector Advocacy - activities and resources relating to the private sector
Public health - AMA programs addressing public health issues
RBRVS - Resource-Based Relative Value Scale
Red Flags Rule - background and resources