Halt and rethink the burdensome maintenance-of-certification process
Posted July 18, 2011
Regarding "Abolishing burdensome regulations" (link): With respect to regulation, we are our own worst enemy.
How can we complain against the burdens placed on us by government and insurers without similarly tackling the intrusive, costly, time-eating, and often irrelevant new maintenance-of-certification process?
The process is supposed to make us better physicians, but where is the proof that it does so? Our AMA should demand a halt to the process until its worth can be proved. It should do so until a simple, low-cost, online, relevant system can be put in place.
Joseph Zanga, MD , Columbus, Ga.
Note: This item originally appeared at http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2011/07/18/edlt0718.htm.