
Tennessee neurosurgeon tunes up by designing and selling guitars

While looking for a relaxing hobby, he turned to his collection of vintage musical instruments, and "everything took off from there."

By Victoria Stagg Elliott — Posted Oct. 24, 2011

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Business Pitch

Doctors who branched out beyond running their practice tell why they did it, how they did it, and what you should know before you do it.
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Name: Robert Singer, MD

Specialty: Neurosurgery

Location: Nashville, Tenn.

Company: Waterstone Musical Instruments designs, manufactures and sells acoustic and electric guitars, basses and other stringed instruments. They are sold through retailers as well as the company's website (link).

Annual revenue: $175,000.

Why he started the business: Dr. Singer, who also is assistant professor of neurological surgery at Vanderbilt Medical Center, launched the business in 2002. After finishing his board certifications, he looked for a hobby that would give him a break from neurology. He had been in punk bands in high school and owned a large collection of vintage musical instruments, so he started tweaking them with the aim of creating something a little bit different.

"I thought they looked pretty good. I enjoyed playing them, and everything took off from there," he said.

He established a website and started selling guitars as well as four-, eight- and 12-string basses reminiscent of the hollow and semihollow instruments available in the 1950s and 1960s. The company also designs several other string instruments, such as a mandocello, which is like a mandolin but larger. Several well-known musicians play his instruments, including Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick, who helped design Waterstone's 12-string bass guitar, the TP-12.

"I love the creative aspects of the musical instrument business, and it's something that is outside of my real job in neurovascular surgery," Dr. Singer said.

Why he still practices: "I really love neurosurgery. I'm very lucky that I get to do what I love."

Words of wisdom: "Be cautious about getting too big, too soon. Waterstone is growing nicely. It's still very manageable. If it had gotten too big, too fast, without a lot of financial experience, I could have gotten myself into trouble."

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